John 4:24 - “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."
At New Direction, we are blessed to have a talented and anointed group of musicians and singers that are committed to leading the congregation each week. Our common purpose is to help EVERYONE, every generation, every ethnic group; CONNECT to God through singing and music. We do this by incorporating a number of genres and styles in our worship and by selecting songs that are scripturally sound and easy to sing.
When you attend you can expect an energetic time of praise followed by an intimate time of worship. People express their praise and worship in different ways; some “make a joyful noise” through clapping, some extend hands upward in a sign of surrender, some will kneel in respect, and others simply stand quietly in reverence of God. It is a beautiful thing when God’s people join together and worship the Lord.
At New Direction, we are blessed to have a talented and anointed group of musicians and singers that are committed to leading the congregation each week. Our common purpose is to help EVERYONE, every generation, every ethnic group; CONNECT to God through singing and music. We do this by incorporating a number of genres and styles in our worship and by selecting songs that are scripturally sound and easy to sing.
When you attend you can expect an energetic time of praise followed by an intimate time of worship. People express their praise and worship in different ways; some “make a joyful noise” through clapping, some extend hands upward in a sign of surrender, some will kneel in respect, and others simply stand quietly in reverence of God. It is a beautiful thing when God’s people join together and worship the Lord.